2025 looks set to be a dynamic year for CEMA members! A number of strategic initiatives were presented at the ?? cocktail reception, strengthening the economic ties between Monaco and Africa, with a ...
En savoir plusThe Club des Entreprises Monégasques en Afrique (CEMA) is celebrating its 10th anniversary, marking a decade of fruitful economic relations and partnerships between Monaco and the African continen...
En savoir plusAFRICA DAY MONACO 2024: ‘Vision 2035’ Africa, the future of Europe? On 11 October 2024, the Yacht Club de Monaco hosted the third edition of Africa Day, a strategic event designed to strengthen ec...
En savoir plusThe Gazette de Monaco, written by Georges-Olivier Kalifa, interviewed our President about the work of the Club and its ten years of action. The Club des Entrepreneurs Monégasques en Afrique is cele...
En savoir plusOn Tuesday 25 June, CEMA welcomed Zyad Limam , publisher of Afrique Magazine and a leading Africa specialist, as part of its lunchtime conferences at the Automobile Club de Monaco , organised with th...
En savoir plusThe Club des Entrepreneurs Monégasques en Afrique (CEMA) and the Monaco Economic Board (MEB) have undertaken an economic mission to Morocco, the results of which, according to initial reports, are ve...
En savoir plusOn March 15, CEMA welcomed Mr. Cesare CANEVESE to the salons of the Automobile Club de Monaco, Mr. Cesare CANEVESE. Mr. CANEVESE brilliantly explained how his Group has become a world leader in the...
En savoir plusAs part of International Women's Rights Day, the Conseil National organized a "Femmes d'Engagement" trophy award ceremony in the Grand Hémicycle on Monday March 4, 2024, to mark the launch of "Sema...
En savoir plusAGM REPORT At the general meeting of CEMA (Club des Entrepreneurs Monégasques en Afrique) on February 19, President Frédéric GEERTS and General Secretary Denis RUYANT presented the results of the pr...
En savoir plusWed January 17, 2024: Cocktail Greetings & 2024 Members Program - "Quai des Artistes -Mo 19 February 2024 : General Meeting ( Fedem ) - Tue 13 March 2024 : Invitation 21 March 2023 : Lunch recept...
En savoir plusMALAWI: The Warm Heart of Africa On December 13, in partnership with the Monaco Economic Board (MEB), CEMA organized an online presentation of investment and development opportunities in Malawi, wit...
En savoir plusMEBINAIRE MALAWI December 13! Dear members, On December 10, from 10 to 11 a.m., our next Mebinaire on Malawi will be held in the presence of the Minister of Trade and Industry, the President of the C...
En savoir plusThe second Africa Day was held in Monaco on October 16. The aim of this annual forum is to encourage exchanges between entrepreneurs from the African continent and Monegasque entrepreneurs, in order ...
En savoir plusOn September 20, CEMA welcomed pan-African businessman Panguéba SOGLI, CEO of SOPAM. After presenting his career path and his choices in the difficult sectors of energy, water and sanitation, he emph...
En savoir plusOn June 27, MAGHREB was the subject of the last CEMA conference before the summer break, preceding a "Summer Lunch" at the Automobile Club de Monaco. Mr. Zyad LIMAM , CEO and Editor-in-Chief of Afriq...
En savoir plusStrengthening of Belgo-Monegasque relations, which enabled us - after Antwerp two years ago - to complete our knowledge of Europe's most efficient ports! Visits to the sites of the famous Anglo Belgi...
En savoir plusThe project "Nager au Féminin", is initiated by the Club des Entreprises Monégasques en Afrique in partnership with the Princess Charlène de Monaco Foundation, the House of Rugby and whose implementa...
En savoir plusThe Monaco Economic Board and the Club des Entrepreneurs Monégasques en Afrique organized a webinar on business opportunities in Benin. The 3 pillars of Benin's development, APIEX's support mechanism...
En savoir plusCEMA AND MAURITIUS: Meet more often and act together! On this first day of Spring, CEMA received a Mauritian delegation at the Monaco Yacht Club, following on from the conferences organised the same ...
En savoir plusIn view of the forthcoming Benin Seminar on 4 March, His Excellency Ambassador Eusèbe AGBANGLA and Denis Ruyant, Secretary General of CEMA, met to take stock of Benin-Monegasque relations and to draw...
En savoir plusMr. Frédéric GENTA welcomes our members. On 8 March, Mr Frédéric GENTA, Interministerial Delegate for Attractiveness and Digital Transition, welcomed CEMA for a friendly cocktail. This meeting gave C...
En savoir plusMONACO/ CEMA/EBCAM EBCAM was pleased to welcome its members from all over Europe in the premises of its French member CIAN in Paris, where the 29th General Assembly of EBCAM took place. The ECS was r...
En savoir plusMONACO DJIBOUTI: interesting prospects! There were about ten of them. A dozen economic actors, half of them members of CEMA, the other half of MEB. In this month of February, they all went to Djibout...
En savoir plusMONACO/DJIBOUTI/CEMA A joint mission, CEMA and MEB, remarkably organized by our Djiboutian hosts under the leadership of Ms. Jordana Remon Coubeche, Consul of MONACO in Djibouti with the efficient su...
En savoir plusFollowing on from the rapprochement with Djibouti's economic players initiated by a webinar last December and then confirmed by a delegation of Djiboutian entrepreneurs visiting Monaco in May, an eco...
En savoir plusThe EMCS received its members and partners during a nice lunch at the Yacht Club of Monaco. Mr. Frédéric GEERTS, President of CEMA, unveiled the programme for the year 2023, while insisting on the su...
En savoir plusEMAC is helping Senegal to take up a major challenge: teaching women to swim. This project, supported by the Princess Charlene Foundation and proposed by its network in Dakar, completes the actions a...
En savoir plusOn Thursday 20th October at 11.45am at the Monaco Yacht Club, CEMA is organising an "Interview-Conference" with Mr Geoffrey KENT, Honorary Consul of Kenya in Monaco. Born on 14 July 1942, Mr KENT is ...
En savoir plusA meeting between MEB/CEMA and the Ambassador of Mozambique in France (represented in Monaco by the Honorary Consul Chris BECKERS) took place on 20 October at the Hotel Hermitage in Monaco. After a r...
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